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. 2024 Nov 25;20(11):e1012728. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1012728

Fig 3. Primary rat EC induce ISGs in response to non-endemic hantavirus, HTNV, but not to endemic hantavirus, SEOV.

Fig 3

A) RLMVEC were infected with either SEOV or HTNV (MOI 0.05) or mock infected (-) and lysates were collected every 24 hours for six days (D1, D2, etc.) post-infection. Cell lysates were subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis for ISG expression. B) RLMVEC were infected with either SEOV or HTNV (MOI 0.05) and harvested 48 hours post-infection. Gene expression was assayed by comparative RT-PCR and averaged data from technical replicates and three experimental biological replicates are shown. Student’s T test, * denotes p<0.05. C) RLMVEC were infected with either HTNV or UV-inactivated HTNV or SEOV (MOI 0.05). Lysates were harvested at the indicated times post-infection and subjected to immunoblot analysis. D) RLMVEC were infected with either RLMVEC-passaged SEOV (RP SEOV) (MOI 0.025), UV-inactivated RLMVEC-passaged SEOV (UV RP SEOV) (0.025), or HTNV (MOI 0.025) and lysates were harvested at the indicated times post-infection and subjected to immunoblot analysis. Densitometry quantification of immunoblots in S4 Fig. All data shown are representative of ≥3 independent experiments.