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. 2024 Dec 7;10(4):e002164. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2024-002164

Table 2. Demographics for MAUL population (n=500).

Demographic variables Mean SD
Age 29.6 11.2
Years of participation 13 10.5
N %
 Male 275 55%
 Female 222 44.4%
 Other 3 0.6%
N %
 Asian: Chinese 2 0.4%
 Black African or Caribbean 22 4.4%
 Other Asian background 2 0.4%
 Other Black/African/Caribbean 6 1.2%
 Other ethnic group 10 2%
 Other mixed/multiple ethnic backgrounds 7 1.4%
 Other white background 25 5%
 White and Asian 5 1%
 White and Black African or Caribbean 9 1.8%
 White: Australasian 4 0.8%
 White: European 408 81.6%
Current geographic location—by country
N %
 France 1 0.2%
 Hong-Kong 2 0.4%
 Ireland 75 15%
 Laos 1 0.2%
 South Africa 60 12%
 UK 337 67.4%
 Other 24 4.8%
Participation status
N %
 Elite 102 20.4%
 Semiprofessional 45 9%
 Regular amateur* 315 63%
 Recreational amateur* 38 7.6%
What form of rugby played most?
N %
 Contact 434 86.6%
 Non-contact 46 9.2%
 Wheelchair 10 2%
 Other 10 2%

Definition for regular participation was playing or training twice or more a month on average.

MAULMental heAlth and well-being in rUgby pLayers