Double and triple CAR T-cell transduction performed with DVP or TVP derived virus. Representative CAR expression histograms showing the median fluorescent intensity of each individual CAR marker in primary human T-cells after double and triple CAR transductions in three donors achieved with (A) DVP or TVP derived virus compared to (B) SVP control. (C) Proportions of double or triple CAR-transduced T-cells achieved with DVP or TVP derived virus compared to SVP control in three T-cell donors. Experiments were performed in duplicates and different symbols represent different T-cell donors. Statistical analysis in (C) was performed by standard paired t test of percentages. ** indicates p value < 0.01. SVP = single virus producer cells, DVP = double virus producer cells, TVP = triple virus producer cells, TP = triple positive, DP = double positive, SP = single positive, Neg = negative.