Extended Data Fig. 4:
Applications of Gnocchi for characterizing non-coding regions in addition to existing functional annotations. a, Use of Gnocchi for prioritizing non-coding regions with or without a regulatory annotation (N=464,504 and 1,379,055, respectively). Constrained non-coding regions are enriched for GWAS variants, independent of the candidate cis-regulatory element (cCRE) annotation from ENCODE. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals of the odds ratios. b, Use of Gnocchi in statistical fine-mapping. The increase in posterior inclusion probability (PIP) when incorporating Gnocchi score as a functional prior into previous fine-mapping results (that used a uniform prior; denoted as PIPGnocchi and PIPunif, respectively) is shown for 164 new likely causal associations with a PIPGnocchi ≥0.8 as a function of PIPGnocchi.