Figure 1.
(A) Schematic illustration shows the procedure of one trial for each of the three sessions for the “constant contrast” experiment. Subjects performed a saccade toward the target. During saccade execution, the target was displaced in one out of six different locations (−2.5°, −1.5°, −0.5°, 0.5°, 1.5°, 2.5°). In the T1 small/T2 small session, saccadic targets were always indicated by a small diameter. In the T1 small/T2 large session, the initial target showed a small diameter and the displaced target T2 was indicated by a larger diameter. In the T1 large/T2 small session, the target identities were switched. (B) The stimulus characteristics for small and large targets for both experiments are specified. (C) The saccadic characteristics for saccadic amplitude, variance, latency, and peak velocity were specified for both, the “constant contrast” experiment (green) and the “adjusted contrast” experiment (purple). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.