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. 2024 Dec 4;6(4):lqae156. doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqae156

Table 5.

Bait analysis. (A) We divided baited fragments into three subsets: (I) Unilaterally baited fragments, (II) bilaterally baited fragments, where at least one bait is shifted towards the fragment center and (III) bilaterally baited fragments, where neither of the two baits is shifted. (B) To compare unilaterally to bilaterally baited fragments, we combined the counts for BFC1 and BFC2 fragments and the counts for fragments with shifted (II) and unshifted (III) baits. (C) For the unilaterally baited fragments, we determined the numbers of 5′ and 3′ baits. (D) To compare bilaterally baited fragments with shifted baits to those where neither bait is shifted, we combined the counts for fragments of BFC1 and BFC2

A: Uni- and bilaterally baited fragments with and without shifted baits
BFC0 BFC1 BFC2 Total
I. 72 (1%) 3102 (48%) 3214 (44%) 6388 (29%)
II. 4536 (57%) 2787 (43%) 3125 (42%) 10 448 (48%)
III. 3325 (42%) 601 (9%) 1038 (14%) 4964 (23%)
Total 7933 6490 7377 21 800
B: Unilaterally vs. bilaterally baited fragments
BFC0 BFC12 Total
I. 72 (1%) 6316 (46%) 6388 (29%)
II,III. 7861 (99%) 7551 (54%) 15 412 (71%)
Total 7933 13 867 21 800
C: Unilateral separated by 5′ and 3′
5′ bait 3′ bait Total
BFC0 36 36 72
BFC1 3091 11 3102
BFC2 12 3202 3214
Total 3139 3249 6388
D: Bilaterally baited fragments: shifted vs. unshifted
BFC0 BFC12 Total
II. 4536 (58%) 5912 (78%) 10 448 (68%)
III. 3325 (42%) 1639 (22%) 4964 (32%)
Total 7861 7551 15 412