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. 2024 Dec 10;12(1):3.

Table 1.

Strength of Evidence Across Gun Policies and Outcomes

Outcome Minimum Age Requirements Prohibitions Associated with Mental Illness Prohibitions Associated with Domestic Violence Surrender of Firearms by Prohibited Possessors Extreme-Risk Protection Orders Back-ground Checks Licensing and Permitting Requirements Waiting Periods Firearm Safety Training Requirements Lost or Stolen Firearm Reporting Requirements Firearm Sales Reporting, Recording, and Registration Requirements Bans on the Sale of Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines Bans on Low-Quality Handguns Stand-Your-Ground Laws Child-Access Prevention Laws Concealed-Carry Laws Gun-Free Zones Laws Allowing Armed Staff in K–12 Schools
Purchasing Possessing Dealer Dealer and Private Shall Issue Permitless Carry
 Total suicides ↓La I I I ↓L I I I ↓L I I I ↓M, Ib I I
 Firearm suicides ↓Sc ↓Lc I I I ↓L I I I ↓M I I I I ↓S, Ib I I
Violent crime ↓L I I ↑L I ↑S I
 Total homicides I I I ↓L I I I ↓M I ↓M I I I ↑S I ↑S I
 Firearm homicides I I I ↓L I I ↓M ↓L I ↓L I I I ↑S ↓Sd ↑S I
 Intimate partner homicides ↓M, ↑L, Ie I, ↓Lf I
 Robberies I I I I I ↑L
 Assaults I I I I Id ↑M
 Rapes I I I I I
Unintentional injuries and deaths I I
 Unintentional firearm injuries and deaths I I ↓L, ↓Sg I
Mass shootings I I I I I I ↓L I I I I, ↓Lh I I I I
Police shootings I I ↑L
Defensive gun use I
Hunting and recreation
Gun industry
 Firearm ownership I I I
 Firearm manufacturers or retailers I I I I I
 Firearm purchases I I I I I I Ii I
 Prices or sales of banned firearms in the short term ↑L

NOTE: I = inconclusive; L = limited; M = moderate; S = supportive. When we identified no studies that met eligibility criteria, cells are blank. ↑ = the policy increases the outcome; ↓ = the policy decreases the outcome.


We concluded that there is limited evidence that higher minimum age requirements for purchasing a handgun may reduce suicides among young adults.


We found moderate evidence for reductions in total suicides among youths, and we found supportive evidence for reductions in firearm suicides and firearm self-injuries among youths. Evidence for effects on outcomes among the full population was inconclusive.


We concluded that there is moderate evidence that minimum age requirements for purchasing a firearm decrease firearm suicides among young people and limited evidence that minimum age requirements for possessing a firearm decrease firearm suicides among young people.


We found supportive evidence that child-access prevention laws reduce firearm homicides or firearm assault injuries among young people. Evidence for effects on outcomes among the overall population was inconclusive.


We concluded that there is moderate evidence that laws establishing firearm prohibitions for individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders decrease total and firearm-related intimate partner homicides, there is limited evidence that prohibitions associated with stalking misdemeanors increase total intimate partner homicides, and there is inconclusive evidence for how firearm prohibitions for those convicted of stalking or misdemeanor domestic violence affect total and firearm-related intimate partner homicides.


We found inconclusive evidence for the effects of firearm-surrender laws alone but moderate evidence that firearm-surrender laws, when paired with expansions of prohibited-possessor classes, reduce firearm-involved intimate partner homicides. We found limited evidence that firearm-surrender laws, when paired with expansions of prohibited-possessor classes, reduce all intimate partner homicides.


We concluded that there is supportive evidence that child-access prevention laws decrease unintentional firearm injuries and deaths among children and limited evidence that they decrease such injuries and deaths among adults.


We found inconclusive evidence for the effects of assault weapon bans on mass shootings and their fatalities and limited evidence that bans on high-capacity magazines reduce mass shootings and fatalities.


We found inconclusive evidence for the effects of may-issue, shall-issue, and permitless-carry laws on firearm purchases.