Heterografted pepper fails to form vascular connections and shows a significant decrease in size 30 DAG. (a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o, q, s, u, w, y) Representative photographs and (b, d, f, h, j, l, n, p, r, t, v, x, z) confocal micrographs for self-grafted tomato (a, b), self-grafted habanero (c, d), tomato:Habanero (e, f), Habanero:tomato (g, h), self-grafted Doux des Landes (DDL) (i, j), tomato:DDL (k, l), DDL:tomato (m, n). self-grafted Cayenne (o, p), tomato:Cayenne (q, r), Cayenne:tomato (s, t), self-grafted California Wonder (CW) (u, v), tomato:CW (w, x), CW:tomato (y, z). Graft junctions were stained with propidium iodide and imaged on a confocal microscope. Pink arrows indicate a successful graft junction with a healed xylem (b, d, j, p, v, aa). White arrows indicate a failed vascular reconnection (f, h, l, n, r, t, x, z, ab) and white asterisk highlight adventitious roots (f, n, t). All plant image scale bars are 5 cm, and all micrograph scale bars are 1000 μm. (aa) A zoomed up view of self-grafted tomato to demonstrate successful xylem connections. (ab) A zoomed view of heterograft tomato:cayenne junction to demonstrate failed xylem connections. Blue arrowheads denote xylem in the graft junction of aa and ab.