A) Representative images of cross-sectional anatomy of a mouse abdomen, obtained through respiratory gated MRI (left), SARRP (center; labeled CT), and an overlay of the MRI and CT images for tumor-specific dosage of 4 Gy (right). (
B) Gross tumor volume at day 30 post-treatment as measured by MRI of mice as treated in
Figure 3A. Data are represented as mean tumor volume ± SD. (
C) Quantitative measurement of DAPI
+ cells based on H&E staining of mice treated as in
Figure 3A. (
D) Percentage of αSMA
+ cells based on IHC. (
E) Quantification of IHC slides showing the percentage of CD8
+ T-cell infiltrating the tumor (left). Tumor borders are marked as dashed lines. T=tumor, NT=non-tumor (right). (
F) Profiles of infiltrating immune cells in pancreatic tumors by all treatments including single control treatments as measured by Aurora Cytek. Single, live cells were included for analysis and represented as frequencies of CD45
+ cells in percentage. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.005.