Fig. 2.
Heterozygosity (H) by phenotypic mean distributions for fruit yield, count, weight, firmness, TSS, TA, TSS/TA, and ANC among 31 offspring of nine elite parents (gray points), 356 hybrids (blue points), and 113 hybrids (red points) grown in Salinas, California field experiments in 2017–2018 and 2018–2019. The EMMs of hybrids and S1 offspring were estimated from phenotypes observed across harvests, replicates, and years. Heterozygosity was estimated from a genome-wide sample of 28,513 SNPs genotyped with a 50K Axiom array. The shades of red and blue depict hybrids within different full-sib families. The solid black lines are predicted values from linear or quadratic regressions of EMMs on H. The dashed black lines are predicted values from linear or quadratic regressions of EMMs on H using a linear model with additive and dominance genetic relationships incorporated.