Table 3.
Example utterances selected from speech samples derived from general observations (GO) pre and post Korean summer (sessions 6, 8, 9 from pre-Korean summer; and sessions 11, 13 from post-Korean summer).
Pre Korean summer | Post Korean summer | |||
Session 6 (3.4.14; reading a book with experimenter) | Session 8 (3.4.22; playing freely with other children) | Session 9 (3.5.28; MJ with children gathered around teacher in circle; reading a book) | Session 11 (3.11.19; playing freely with other children) | Session 13 (4.0.1; MJ; children playing with blocks; Teacher and students talk with MJ) |
MJ: What’s this? MJ: Do not know …. Experimenter: Where are they going? MJ: Party MJ: Water Experimenter: What’s happening MJ: Those…two people going Experimenter: What are they doing? MJ: Not play MJ: I do not know … MJ: More party MJ: That’s a water … Experimenter: Where are they going? MJ: The car. His car. … MJ: Give me a book |
MJ: We(Unclear:are/have) five(Unclear:sets/cents/size), right? … MJ: Do not come in (repeating another child) … Hey, a bug … You said (X Unclear) baby (XX Unclear) |
Teacher: Who could it be? MJ: No answer MJ: I see Iguana MJ: I can see the jaguar, too (repetition of another student) MJ: I want to play now (repetition of another student) …. MJ: Yea, we can do fire, right? … Student: I can see the pelican and the quail MJ: And I can see the pe > the quail (repetition) … MJ: It’s not kangaroo |
MJ: Let us go in the pirate house MJ: No, it’s not a rocket ship It’s not a rocket ship, right? MJ: Good guy boat faster MJ: Bad guy boat and bad guy boat crashed XXX MJ: We are fighting the bad guy MJ: I’m a prince now MJ: I turn onto the prince MJ: I’m bad guy MJ: I’m not die … MJ: This is a castle. I’m the king of that castle. MJ: Go, bad guy came. Go bad guy store. MJ: Alexander is not doing it MJ: He’s not bad guy MJ: Bad guy boat crash (X) boat. Good guy boat and bad guy boat crash (X) MJ: Princess>princess little beast, and prince is big beast. I’m big beast. MJ” King is>you will be king. You are>you are king and I’m a knight. King is the>king is the strong. Alexander, king is the strongest knight. |
MJ: No, I’m not MJ: I’m not playing your game MJ: I do not need that two blocks MJ: You have a lot of them MJ: I’m just two sets MJ: You have a lot of them … Student: Stop breaking mine MJ: I’m not breaking your |