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. 2024 Dec 11;13(23):e70502. doi: 10.1002/cam4.70502


Summary of studies included in the systematic review (N = 47).

Study ID (author and year) Country of study Study type Study setting Inclusion of HSCT patients Age of participants (years), mean (range) Ethnicity (non‐White%) Sex (% male) Type of cancer Total no. of participants in study Person reporting fatigue Fatigue prevalence reported
Gandy et al. 2022 [20] USA Prospective cohort NR No 8.3 (3–16) 54.5 57.6 CNS tumor 37 Parent Yes
Irestorm et al. 2022 [21] Netherlands Prospective cohort NR NR 6.3 (NR) NR 56.5 ALL 127 Parent Yes
Jacobs et al. 2022 [22] USA and Canada Prospective cohort Both NR 13.0 (7–18) 22.2 51.4 LL 257 Patient Yes
Weaver et al. 2022 [23] USA Prospective cohort Both No 13.0 (7–17) 43.5 54.7 Mixed a 492 Patient Yes
Wu et al. 2022 [24] China Cross‐sectional Both NR 8.9 (NR) NR 60.0 Mixed a 40 Patient No
Bradford et al. 2021 [25] Australia Cross‐sectional Outpatient No 12 (8–18) NR 69.0 Mixed a 48 Patient Yes
Cheng et al. 2021 [26] China Cross‐sectional Both NR NR 100.0 66.8 Mixed a 187 Patient Yes
Cheng KK et al. 2021 [27] Singapore Prospective cohort Outpatient Yes 13.7 (10–18) NR 62.0 Mixed a 50 Patient Yes
Brown et al. 2021 [28] USA Cross‐sectional NR NR 8.5 (2.6–17.3) 75.0 56.0 ALL 171 Parent and patient No
Daniel et al. 2020 [29] USA Cross‐sectional Outpatient NR 10.1 (5–17) 24.5 44.4 Mixed a 59 Patient No
Li et al. 2020 [30] China Cross‐sectional Both No 8.9 (NR) NR 61.0 ALL and AML 159 Parent and patient Yes
Rostagno et al. 2020 [31] Italy Prospective cohort Both NR 11.7 (5–17) NR 54.5 Mixed a 134 Parent and patient Yes
Steur et al. 2020 [32] Netherlands Prospective cohort Outpatient NR (1–19) NR 57.0 ALL 151 Parent No
Cadamuro et al. 2020 [33] Brazil Cross‐sectional Both Yes NR 52.2 49.7 Mixed a 157 Parent and patient Yes
Kudubes et al. 2019 [34] Turkey Phase 3 RCT Inpatient NR 9.4/9.1 (control and experimental group, NR) NR 57.5 Mixed a 80 Parent and patient Yes
Nagarajan et al. 2019 [35] USA and Canada Prospective cohort Both No (2–18) 17.0 52.6 AML 560 Parent and patient No
Rogers et al. 2019 [36] USA Phase 3 RCT Inpatient Yes 9.5 (4–19) 18.2 60.6 Medulloblastoma 43 Parent and patient Yes
Tomlinson et al. 2019 [8] USA and Canada Cross‐sectional Both Yes NR NR 61.3 Mixed a 366 b Patient No
Hockenberry et al. 2018 [65] USA Prospective cohort Both NR NR 59.1 55.9 ALL 191 Parent and patient No
Macpherson et al. 2018 [37] USA Prospective cohort Both No (8–18) 56.3 54.1 Mixed a 96 Patient Yes
Dobrozsi et al. 2017 [38] USA Prospective cohort Both NR 11.7 (5–21) 28.0 58.0 Mixed a 41 Patient No
Rodgers et al. 2016 [39] USA Prospective cohort NR NR (3–12) 47.0 45.0 ALL 38 Parent and patient No
Bastani et al. 2015 [40] Iran Phase 3 RCT Inpatient NR 10.0 (8–12) NR 68.3 ALL 120 Patient Yes
Crabtree et al. 2015 [41] USA Prospective cohort NR NR 7.7 (2–18) 19.0 51.0 Mixed a 170 Parent and patient No
MDR Nunes et al. 2015 [42] USA Descriptive with repeated measures Outpatient No 12.8 (8–17) 65.7 48.6 Mixed a 42 Patient Yes
Rogers et al. 2014 [43] USA and Canada Prospective cohort Outpatient NR 8.8 (5–18) 18.3 65.5 ALL 100 Parent and patient No
Ameringer et al. 2013 [44] USA Prospective cohort Both NR 15.3 (13–18) 66.7 55.6 Mixed a 9 Patient Yes
Hinds et al. 2013 [45] USA Cross‐sectional Both NR 12.9 (8–17) NR 55.5 Mixed a 93 Patient Yes
Wesley et al. 2013 [46] USA Cross‐sectional Both NR 15.6 (13–19) 38.0 54.9 NR 123 Patient No
Hooke et al. 2011 [47] USA Prospective cohort NR NR (6–17) NR 66.7 Mixed a 30 Patient No
Miller et al. 2011 [48] USA Prospective cohort Inpatient NR 13.5 (10–17) 59.0 43.6 Mixed 39 Patient Yes
Baggott et al. 2010 [5] USA Prospective cohort Both NR 14.8 (10–18) NR 51.5 Mixed a 66 Patient Yes
Dupuis et al. 2010 [49] Canada Cross‐sectional Both NR 9.4 (4–18) NR 55.0 Mixed a 200 Parent Yes
Erickson et al. 2010 [50] USA Prospective cohort NR NR 16.1 (12–19) 15.0 50.0 Mixed 20 Patient Yes
Hockenberry et al. 2010 [51] USA Prospective cohort Both NR (7–18) 52.0 57.0 Mixed a 67 Parent and patient No
Walker et al. 2010 [6] USA Prospective cohort Both NR 14.2 (10–19) 25.0 56.9 Mixed a 51 Patient Yes
Zupanec et al. 2010 [52] Canada Cross‐sectional Outpatient NR (4–18) 48.4 79.7 ALL 77 Parent and patient No
Sitaresmi et al. 2009 [53] Indonesia Prospective cohort Both NR 7.1 (2–16) NR 63.0 ALL 51 Parent Yes
Yeh et al. 2009 [54] Taiwan Prospective cohort Both NR 14.2 (10–18.9) NR 58.0 Mixed a 144 Patient Yes
Ekti Genc et al. 2008 [55] Turkey Phase 3 RCT Inpatient NR 9 (7–12) NR 61.7 ALL and AML 60 Parent and patient No
Enskar et al. 2008 [56] Sweden Cross‐sectional Both No 9.6 (NR) NR 59.0 Mixed 17 Patient Yes
Perdikaris et al. 2008 [57] Greece Prospective cohort NR NR 8.9 (7–12) NR 65.0 Mixed a 40 NR No
Whitsett et al. 2008 [58] USA and Canada Prospective cohort Inpatient NR 13.7 (9–17) 8.3 66.7 Mixed 12 Parent and patient No
Yeh et al. 2008 [59] Taiwan Prospective cohort Inpatient NR 11.5 (7–17) NR 54 Mixed a 48 Parent and patient No
Hinds et al. 2007 [60] USA Prospective cohort Inpatient NR 12.5 (7–18) 28.0 41.0 Mixed a 29 Parent, patient and healthcare provider No
Hinds et al. 2007 [61] (cancer journal paper) USA and Canada Prospective cohort Outpatient NR (5–18) 21.0 62.0 ALL 100 Parent and patient No
Williams et al. 2006 [62] USA Cross‐sectional Inpatient No 10.4 (2–18) 9.0 45.0 Mixed a 11 Patient Yes

Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; CNS, central nervous system; HCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; LL, leukemia and lymphoma; NR, not‐reported; USA, United States of America.


Mixed: mixed cancer types defined as a category where more than two types of patients with cancer were included.


Study enrolled 502 patients, of which, 366 were on treatment.