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. 2024 Dec 9;15(1):2430923. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2024.2430923

Table 1.

Country of present residence, origin and reason for migrating.

(N = 1312)
Male migrant students
(N = 706, 53.8% of all)
Female migrant students
(N = 606, 46.2% of all)
Variable M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
Age (years) 15.5 (2.0) 15.5 (1.9) 15.5 (2.2)
Time in reception country (years) 1.93 (1.80) 1.78 (1.63) 2.11 (1.96)
Country of residence Per cent (n) Per cent (n) Per cent (n)
Residing in Belgium 41.2 (540) 42.4 (299) 39.8 (241)
Residing in Denmark 18.4 (241) 19.1 (135) 17.5 (106)
Residing in Norway 17.1 (224) 16.9 (119) 17.3 (105)
Residing in Sweden 13.0 (171) 11.3 (80) 15.0 (91)
Residing in Finland 10.4 (136) 10.3 (73) 10.4 (63)
  All (N = 1145) Males (N = 628) Females (N = 517)
Origin Per cent (n) Per cent (n) Per cent (n)
Middle East1 33.7 (386) 32.6 (205) 35.0 (181)
Asia2 20.6 (236) 25.2 (158) 14.9 (77)
Africa2 28.2 (323) 25.5 (160) 31.5 (163)
Europe within EU3 12.5 (143) 12.3 (77) 12.8 (66)
Europe outside EU 2.3 (26) 2.5 (16) 1.9 (10)
Other regions and CoO4 2.8 (32) 1.9 (12) 3.9 (20)
  All (N = 1137) Males (N = 612) Females (N = 525)
Reason for migrating5 Per cent (n) Per cent (n) Per cent (n)
Fleeing war6 37.3 (424) 39.7 (243) 34.5 (181)
Fleeing other danger/ persecution6 10.6 (120) 10.5 (64) 10.7 (56)
To be reunited with family 18.4 (209) 17.0 (104) 20.0 (105)
Parents’ Labour migration 22.3 (253) 21.6 (132) 23.0 (121)
Other responses 11.5 (131) 11.3 (69) 11.8 (62)
Refugee background, per cent 47.0 (593) 49.3 (334) 44.3 (259)

Note. Countries according to participants’ own text responses were divided into regions. 1Middle East = The Asian and African countries around the Mediterranean coast + Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Palestine, and Azerbaijan. 2Except countries included in the Middle East. 3Including members of the European Economic Association (EEA). 4CoO = Countries of origin. 5Mutually exclusive categories. 6The students who ticked one of these two categories were merged, and constitute ‘Refugees’ in this study.