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. 2024 Jul 30;20(9):6423–6440. doi: 10.1002/alz.14139


Co‐localization analysis between CSF and plasma aptamers in Europeans.

Plasma Gene Plasma Aptamer Plasma Hit CSF Gene CSF Aptamer CSF Hit Number of Variants PP.H4
APOE X2938.55 chr19:44913034:C:T APOE X2938.55 chr19:44908684:T:C 3112 0.031
APOE X5312.49 chr19:44908684:T:C 3112 0.018
NfL X10082.251 chr19:44908684:T:C 3112 0.018
NRGN X18303.39 chr19:44888997:C:T 3071 0.006
VILIP‐1 X13522.20 chr19:44919589:G:A 3090 0.004
X5312.49 chr19:44908822:C:T APOE X2938.55 chr19:44908684:T:C 3128 0.008
APOE X5312.49 chr19:44908684:T:C 3128 0.000
NfL X10082.251 chr19:44908684:T:C 3128 0.000
NRGN X18303.39 chr19:44888997:C:T 3087 0.000
VILIP‐1 X13522.20 chr19:44919589:G:A 3076 0.000
GRN X4992.49 chr17:44352876:C:T GRN X4992.49 chr17:44352876:C:T 2192 1.000
NFL X10082.251 chr19:44908684:T:C APOE X2938.55 chr19:44908684:T:C 3129 1.000
  APOE X5312.49 chr19:44908684:T:C 3129 1.000
  NFL X10082.251 chr19:44908684:T:C 3129 1.000
  NRGN X18303.39 chr19:44888997:C:T 3088 0.997
  VILIP‐1 X13522.20 chr19:44919589:G:A 3074 0.997
SNAP‐25 X13105.7 chr14:94318281:C:T SNAP‐25 X13105.7 chr14:94378225:C:T 3727 0.994
TREM2 X5635.66 chr11:60254475:G:A TREM2 X11851.21 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.999
TREM2 X16300.4 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.984
TREM2 X5635.66 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.874
X11851.21 chr11:60254475:G:A TREM2 X11851.21 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.999
TREM2 X16300.4 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.984
TREM2 X5635.66 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.874
X16300.4 chr6:41161469:C:T TREM2 X11851.21 chr6:41161395:C:T 3426 0.037
TREM2 X16300.4 chr6:41161469:C:T 3426 1.000
TREM2 X5635.66 chr6:40974457:G:A 2842 0.484
chr11:60254475:G:A TREM2 X11851.21 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.999
TREM2 X16300.4 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.984
TREM2 X5635.66 chr11:60177107:C:T 2663 0.874
YKL‐40 X11104.13 chr1:203183049:C:T YKL‐40 X11104.13 chr1:203183673:T:C 2766 0.996

Note: This table shows the posterior probabilities that a causal variant was shared between plasma and CSF in loci that were prioritized in both plasma and CSF. The PP.H4 column contains the prior probability that two phenotypes share a causal gene hit based on a coloc.abf analysis. Co‐localization analysis was performed between a plasma and CSF sentinel variant if they were within 1 Mb of each other. Values highlighted with bold are statistically significant at a PP.H4 ≥ 0.8. The AD top association data were derived from Bellenguez et al., 2022. All participants were European based on principal component analysis. CSF n = 3107; Plasma n = 2317.

Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer's disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NFL, neurofilament light; NRGN, neurogranin; PP.H4, posterior probability of sharing causative variant; SNAP‐25, synaptosomal‐associated protein 25; TREM2, triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2; YKL‐40, chitinase‐3‐like protein 1; VILIP, visinin‐like protein 1.