Maps of representative nonconjugative theta-replicating plasmids: pI258, pSK1, pIB485, pUSA300-HOU-MR, pMW2, pSK639, and pSK818 (3, 25, 29, 65, 85, 89, 232); see text for additional references. Resistance/enterotoxin genes, transposons, insertion sequences, and cointegrated plasmids are shown: arsBC, arsenic resistance; cadA, cadmium resistance; mphC, macrolide resistance; msrA, macrolide/streptogramin B resistance; qacA, antiseptic/disinfectant resistance; ser, sej, and sed, enterotoxins. Refer to Tables 1 and 2 for the antimicrobial resistance(s) conferred by other resistance determinants. Plasmid maintenance genes/loci are also shown: par, novel partitioning system; rep, initiation of replication; sin, multimer resolution; TA, Fst-like toxin-antitoxin system; mobA/mobB/mobC/mobpre, mobilization.