Maps of representative SCC elements (4, 216); see text for additional references. Resistance/virulence genes, transposons, insertion sequences, and cointegrated plasmids are shown: arsBC, arsenic resistance; cadA, cadmium resistance; cap1 genes, capsular polysaccharide (220); fusC (previously known as far), fusidic acid resistance (236); mecA/mecC, β-lactam resistance. Refer to Table 1 for the antimicrobial resistance(s) conferred by other resistance determinants. Cassette recombinase genes (ccrA, ccrB, and ccrC), mecA/mecC regulatory genes (mecI and mecR1), and an arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME I [227]) are also shown; mec classes and ccr types are denoted by gray shading. Note that cch genes, polA, and SAUGI are not shown and that IS257 is also known as IS431.