Cytotoxic activity against rVVenv-infected D17 cells correlated with CD2− γδ+ T cells in cell lines. Short-term cell lines from animal 17 (17-1x, 17-2x, 17-3x, and 17-4x) were restimulated with irradiated PBM cells one, two, three, and four times, respectively. For flow cytometry data on these lines, see Table 4. These are the aggregate data on sequential restimulations of the same culture. (A) Increase in cytolytic activity against rVVenv-infected (filled) but not wild-type vaccinia virus-infected (hatched) D17 cells with each restimulation. Spontaneous release was less than 30%, and determinations were done in triplicate at an E:T ratio of 20:1. (B) Increase in percent CD2− γδ+ T cells of total γδ+ T cells with each restimulation.