1–4 with fire impact. 1: Cranial bones, femur and humerus diaphyses of individual 1, burnt. The beige colour is indicative of the burnt condition. 2: Cranial fragments and femur diaphysis fragments of individual 2, calcined. 3: Femur diaphysis fragments of individual 3, calcined. 4: Fragments of femur, vertebrae, ossa coxae, and sacrum of individual 4, calcined. 5: Frontal and left parietal of individual 5. 6: Parietal fragment of individual 6. 7: Occipital (ecto- and endocranial views) fragment of individual 7. 8: Frontal bone fragment of individual 6+. 9: Left maxilla (buccal and palatinal views with teeth 23–26) of individual 5/6+. 10: Right and left (anterior views) upper limb bones from different locations but of similar robustness and with corresponding joint dimensions. Arrows indicate divergent fraction patterns of humerus, radius, and ulna. Illustration/pictures: K. Fuchs, S. Storch.