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. 2024 Dec 11;19(12):e0289769. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289769

Table 3. Sample characteristics and results for the radiocarbon and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses of plant, animal, and human remains, including published data (S2 Table).

Lab Lab identifier Context Organism Trophic level Sample material Individual identifier Fire impact 14C age (BP) ± SD 2sig (95.4%) %coll / C:N %C %N δ13C δ15N Reference
KIA KIA-56328 house 3? emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred 489 3± 23 3761–3633 - 73.2 - - - this study, [15]
KUL 67 house 3, sq. 5 einkorn (T. monococcum) autotroph grain - charred - - 17.6 66.7 3.8 −24.9 6.6 this study, [15]
KUL 68 house 3, sq. 5 einkorn (T. monococcum) autotroph grain - charred - - 16.6 65.6 4.0 −23.9 5.2 this study, [15]
KUL 69 house 3, sq. 5 einkorn (T. monococcum) autotroph grain - charred - - 17.0 64.4 3.8 −23.5 7.3 this study, [15]
KUL 70 house 3, sq. 5 einkorn (T. monococcum) autotroph grain - charred - - 16.5 65.8 4.0 −23.3 7.5 this study, [15]
KUL 71 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 22.1 66.8 3.0 −22.9 7.4 this study, [15]
KUL 72 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 17.1 65.8 3.9 −23.1 8.0 this study, [15]
KUL 73 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 16.0 66.0 4.1 −23.2 5.9 this study, [15]
KUL 74 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 20.9 65.7 3.1 −23.4 8.2 this study, [15
KUL 75 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 13.0 64.0 4.9 −21.5 9.1 this study, [15]
KUL 76 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 24.1 69.4 2.9 −24.0 7.1 this study, [15]
KUL 77 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) Autotroph grain - charred - - 19.5 66.7 3.4 −23.2 5.4 this study, [15]
KUL 78 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 24.4 67.2 2.8 −23.7 6.8 this study, [15]
KUL 79 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 15.5 64.8 4.2 −24.2 6.6 this study, [15]
KU 80 house 3, sq. 5 emmer (T. dicoccum) autotroph grain - charred - - 21.1 66.1 3.1 −23.8 7.6 this study, [15]
PSUAMS PSUAMS-5106 house 3 fauna (undet.) undetermined - - NA 4810 ± 20 3644–3528 3.2 39.8 14.5 −20.7 8.3 [19]
PSUAMS PSUAMS-5105 house 3 fauna (undet.) undetermined - - NA 4760 ± 20 3634–3518 3.1 33.4 12.5 −20.7 7.3 [19]
PSUAMS PSUAMS-5104 house 3 fauna (undet.) undetermined - - NA 4750 ± 20 3633–3384 3.2 46.5 17 −21.7 8.7 [19]
PSUAMS PSUAMS-5103 house 3 fauna (undet.) undetermined - - NA 4720 ± 20 3630–3374 3.2 22.2 8.2 −21 10.9 [19]
PSUAMS PSUAMS-5107 NA fauna (undet.) undetermined - - NA 4690 ± 35 3619–3369 3.2 42.7 15.5 −21.2 7.4 [19]
POZ Poz-97928 house 6, sq. Б5–6 aurochs (Bos primigenius) herbivore humerus - unburnt 4910 ± 40 3778–3636 5.8 6.2 1.4 −22.7 10.5 [10]
POZ Poz-131532 house 6, sq. E4 cattle (Bos) herbivore NA - unburnt 4950 ± 40 3896–3642 3.7 7.8 2.1 −20.9 8.7 this study
POZ Poz-97929 house 6, sq. Б5–6 cattle (Bos) herbivore metatarsal - unburnt 494 0± 40 3797–3641 6.4 9.3 3.1 −20.1 8.4 [10]
POZ Poz-97920 house 6, sq. Г4 cattle (Bos) herbivore metatarsal - unburnt 4920 ± 35 3771–3641 4.5 5.8 1.6 −20.1 9.5 [10]
POZ Poz-97930 house 6, sq. Д4 cattle (Bos) herbivore talus - unburnt 4900 ± 40 3778–3633 8.5 9.1 2.9 −20.7 10.4 [10]
POZ Poz-97931 house 6, sq. Д5 cattle (Bos) herbivore phalanx tarsalis - unburnt 4880 ± 40 3772–3533 8.2 10.8 3.2 −20.4 11.1 [10]
POZ Poz-131466 house 6, sq. Г4 undetermined - diaphysis fragment - unburnt 4875 ±3 5 3765–3533 5.5 7.0 1.6 - - this study
POZ Poz-131531 house 6, sq. A4 sheep/goat (Ovis/Capra) herbivore tibia - unburnt 4855 ± 40 3710–3527 nd 9.4 2.5 −20.4 8.6 this study
POZ Poz-97927 house 6, sq. ГВ1–2 wild boar (Sus scrofa) omnivore tibia - unburnt 4845 ± 35 3705–3528 6 8.9 2.7 −20.2 10.3 [10]
POZ - house 6, sq. B2-3 human omnivore petrous bone 1 calcined NA NA - 3.9 0.1 NA NA this study
POZ - house 6, sq. B2-3 human omnivore humerus diaphysis 1 calcined NA NA - 3.2 0 NA NA this study
POZ - house 6, sq. B2-3 human omnivore femur diaphysis 1 calcined NA NA - 1.2 0 NA NA this study
POZ Poz-110086 house 6, sq. B2-3 human omnivore temporal bone 2 calcined 5280 ± 40 4240–3987 0.6 0.7 0 NA NA Shatilo 2021
POZ Poz-109981 house 6, sq. Д5 human omnivore humerus diaphysis 5/6/+ unburnt 5010 ± 30 3942–3644 3.8 4 1.5 −19.6 11.8 this study
POZ Poz-110084 house 6, sq. Д3 human omnivore femur diaphysis 4 calcined 4970 ± 50 3942–3644 1 0.9 0 NA NA Shatilo 2021
POZ Poz-109980 house 6, NA human omnivore maxilla 5/6/+ unburnt 4940 ± 35 3785–3645 5.8 5.8 2.2 −19.5 12.9 this study
POZ Poz-110357 house 6, sq. Г4 human omnivore frontal bone 6/+ unburnt 4930 ± 35 3779–3643 5 6.2 0.8 −19.6 13 this study
POZ Poz-131467 house 6, sq. Г4 human omnivore unburnt 4800±40 3649–3516 3 5.4 0.6 - - [10]
POZ Poz-109979 house 6, sq. E4 human omnivore parietal bone 5 unburnt 4885±35 3766–3593 1.4 3.7 0.8 −19.9 12.1 [10]
POZ Poz-131533 house 6, sq. Г4 human omnivore femoral head 5/6/+ unburnt 4880±40 3772–3533 3.8 4.3 1.1 −19.9 11.5 this study
POZ Poz-131530 house 6, sq. A4 human omnivore ulna diaphysis 5/6/+ unburnt 4800±40 3649–3516 2 5.4 1.1 −19.6 12.4 this study
POZ Poz-131527 house 6, sq. Г5 human omnivore parietal bone 6 unburnt 4870±35 3760–3532 9.6 13 3.1 −19.7 13 this study
POZ Poz-131529 house 6, sq. B2, upper layer human omnivore occipital bone 7 unburnt 4720±35 3630–3374 5 8.3 2.5 −20.1 11.5 this study

KIA = Leibniz Labor für Altersbestimmung und Isotopenforschung / Leibniz Laboratory for Radiometric Dating and Stable Isotope Research, Kiel University, Germany; PSUAMS = Radiocarbon Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, USA; KUL = Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University of Louvain), Belgium; POZ = Poznańskie Laboratorium Radiowęglowe / Poznań Radiocarbon Laboratory, Poland; SD = standard deviation; sig = sigma; coll = collagen; nd = no data.