Table 1. Aspects of the Dental Visit Assigned Highest Fear Ratings.
Percent | n | |
Painful or uncomfortable procedures | 29 | 23 |
Bodily symptoms (e.g., heart racing, difficulty breathing, sweating) | 26 | 21 |
Needles and injections | 24 | 19 |
Dental staff being unsympathetic or unkind | 23 | 18 |
Not being in control | 20 | 16 |
Feeling embarrassed or ashamed | 19 | 15 |
Not knowing what the dentist is going to do | 16 | 13 |
Feeling sick, queasy, or disgusted | 13 | 10 |
Gagging or choking | 9 | 7 |
Numbness caused by the anesthetic | 9 | 7 |
Note. Participants could assign multiple categories the highest rating; as such, percentages do not sum to 100 and ns do not sum to the sample size.