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. 2024 Apr 5;10:e1946. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1946

Table 2. Dataset description.

Feature variable Value examples
Id: A unique identifier for each trip 1,2, …
Vendor id: A code indicating the provider associated with the trip record 1, 2
Pickup date-time: Date and time when the meter was engaged 12/1/2020 0:07
Dropoff date-time: Date and time when the meter was disengaged 12/1/2020 0:18
Store and forward flag: This indicates whether the trip record was held in vehicle memory
before sending it to the vendor. Y=store and forward; N=not a store and forward trip N or Y
PU Location ID: The pick-up location id 138
DO Location ID: The drop-off location id 263
Payment type: Card, Cash, etc. 1, 2, 3
1 = Bank card;
2 = Cash;
3 = No charge;
4 = Dispute;
5 = Unknown;
6 = Trip canceled.
Fare amount: Amount of charges in dollars 21.5
MTA tax: A tax of 0.50 USD MTA has been triggered automatically according to the tariff
displayed on the meter. 0.5 or -0.5
Tip amount: Amount to pay in terms of TIP 2.5
Tolls amount: Toll tax amount depends on the distance 6.12 or 0
Improvement surcharge: Constant surcharge amount 0.3
Total amount: fare amount+extra+mta tax+tip amount+toll
amount+improvement surcharge 33.92
Passenger count: The number of passengers in the vehicle (driver entered value) 2
Trip distance: Duration of the trip in minutes 7.6