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. 2023 Feb 13;49(2):740–781. doi: 10.1007/s10961-023-09995-9

Table 1.

Definition of variables used in the analysis

Variable Definition
Stage one dependent variable
R&D Natural logarithm of firm's total R&D expenditure
Stage two dependent variables
Turnover Natural logarithm of firm's turnover
Exports Natural logarithm of firm's exports
Gross Value Added (GVA) Natural logarithm of firm's GVA
Treatment variables
R&D tax credit Binary variable equal to 1 if a firm claimed an R&D tax credit; 0 otherwise
R&D grant Binary variable equal to 1 if a firm received direct funding for R&D from Industrial Development Agency (IDA) Ireland or Enterprise Ireland; 0 otherwise
Control variables
Past turnover Categorical variables capturing the quartile of firms' turnover (natural logarithm): 1 = Firms in the lowest turnover quartile in a given year; 2 = Firms in the second lowest turnover quartile in a given year; 3 = Firms in the second highest turnover quartile in a given year; 4 = Firms in the highest turnover quartile in a given year
R&D above median Binary variable equal to one if firms' past R&D was above the median R&D expenditure; 0 otherwise
Past public funding for R&D Binary variable equal to 1 if a firm received an R&D grant or R&D tax credit in the previous period; 0 otherwise
Other R&D support Binary variable equal to 1 if a firm received any other form of R&D support; 0 otherwise
Firm size Categorical variables: 0 = Micro if a firm has less than 10 employees; 1 = Small if a firm has 10 or more employees and less than 50 employees; 2 = Medium if a firm has 50 or more employees and less than 250 employees; 3 = Large if a firm has 250 or more employees
Material costs Natural log of materials and service costs
Unit labour costs Firm's payroll divided by GVA
Training Natural logarithm of the firm’s total expenditure on all structured training
Regional R&D Natural logarithm of the sum of all firms' expenditure on R&D in the region where a firm is based
Sector Categorical variables representing 12 NACE sectors (defined in Appendix Table C1 in Supplementary material)
Year Categorical variables: 0 = 2007; 1 = 2008; 2 = 2009; 3 = 2010; 4 = 2011; 5 = 2012; 6 = 2013; 7 = 2014; 8 = 2015; 9 = 2016

NACE is the acronym for ‘nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne’, and is the statistical classification of economic activities used by Eurostat. Other R&D support captures any R&D support which does not provide direct funding through R&D grants or indirect funding through R&D tax credits. The R&D supports in this category are as follows: Innovation Partnerships, Innovation Vouchers, and Science Foundation Ireland research centres. The 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland constitute the regional unit for the Regional R&D variable. For the Regional R&D variable, we aggregate total R&D from our survey to the regional level