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. 2024 Aug 14;46(1):121–127. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001554


Wage difference at baseline in 1997 (in Euro, CPI-adjusted) between people with and without baseline hearing loss (before age 40), the HUNT2 study, Norway

Model A Model B Model C
Wage Difference 95% CI Wage Difference 95% CI Wage Difference 95% CI
Total sample 2153 −567 4874 4850 2328 7372 3850 6164 405
Men 2971 −907 6849 5531 1660 9403 4852 1210 8494
Women 3739 482 6996 4455 1203 7707 3054 185 5923
Younger adults (<30 yrs at baseline) 4558 344 8772 6103 2211 9995 5057 1479 8635
Older adults (≥30 yrs at baseline) 2096 −1489 5680 4205 871 7540 3479 439 6518
Higher education −3611 −10,055 2833 2073 −3851 7996 2487 −3246 8220
Lower education 3607 790 6425 4973 2476 7470 4276 1862 6691

Model A crude model. Model B adjusted for age and sex and their interactions with time (Sex × Time, and Age × Time). Model C adjusted for age, sex, and education, and their interactions with time (Sex × Time, Age × Time, and Education × Time).

CI, confidence interval; CPI, consumer price index; Higher education, university <4 yrs and university ≥4 yrs; Lower education, primary education and secondary education.