Cluster features of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets in the salivary glands of SjD mice. (A) Violin plots show expression levels of selected marker genes in four different subpopulations of CD4+ T cells: naive T cells (Sell, Lef1, Igfbp4), Th1 (Tbx21, Ccl5, Cxcr3), Treg (Foxp3), and Th17 (Il17a, Rorc). (B) Gene enrichment of functional CD4+ T cell subsets in subpopulations of CD4+ T cells converted from published datasets is shown.
The enrichment scores are shown in heatmap with different color densities. (C) Violin plots show expression levels of selected marker genes in five different subpopulations of CD8+ T cells. Sell was selected as a naive T cell marker, with Ccl5 and Ccr7 expressed differently in naive Cd8_T_C2 and naive Cd8_T_C3 clusters. Pdcd1 was selected as an exhausted T cell marker, with Isg15 expressed in exhausted Cd8_T_C1 (low expression) and exhausted Cd8_T_C5 cluster (high expression). Cd8_T_C4 was a unique Cd8 T cell subcluster with Dock2 and Lncpint highly expressed. (D) Gene enrichment of functional CD8+ T cell subsets in subpopulations of CD8+ T cells converted from published datasets is shown
; enrichment scores are shown in heatmap with different color densities. (E) Proportion of cells in CD4+ T cell subpopulations undergoing each cell cycle phase is shown. Cd4_T_C4 has the least fraction of cells undergoing mitosis (29.6%). (F) Proportion of cells in CD8+ T cell subpopulations undergoing each cell cycle phase is shown. SjD, Sjögren disease; Teff, T effector; TEMRA, effector memory T cells re‐expressing Cd45RA; Treg, regulatory T.