(A and G) Time course of prolactin (A) or SOD3 (G) osmotic pump embedding and maternal behavior tests in placental Sod3 KO dam.
(B–F and H–L) Plasma levels of prolactin (B and H), number of living pups (C and I), latency of the first retrieval on day 1 (D and J), time spent grooming on day 1 (E and K), and time spent crouching on day 1 (F and L) of WT dams and KO dams with prolactin (B–F) or SOD3 (H–L) osmotic pump embedding of saline or recombinant prolactin.
(M–P) mRNA expression levels of prolactin (Prl) (M and N) and prolactin receptor (Prlr) (O and P) in 200 ng/mL recombinant SOD3-stimulated GH3 cells (M and O) and mouse primary pituitary cells (N and P).
N = 5 in each group; three technical replicates for each group; *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01.