Extended Data Fig. 11. Erastin quantitatively modulates ROS feedback loops.
a, ROS steady state remains low regardless of photoinduction intensity in the absence of erastin treatment. Single-cell ROS steady states were measured in cells (40 cells) treated with or without erastin (10 µM) after photoinduction with different light intensities (1: 60 mW for 10 s; 2: 240 mW for 10 s; 3: 240 mW for 40 s). b-e, Cellular levels of GSH (b), labile iron (c), NOX activity (d), and ROS (e) after treatment with different erastin concentrations. Data represent mean ± s.d. (GSH: four technical replicates; labile iron: ≥ 257 cells; NOX activity: three biological repeats, with three technical repeats each; and ROS: ≥ 249 cells). Measurements are significantly different from those of untreated (0 µM) cells (two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, * FDR-adjusted P < 0.05 (b), <2 × 10−30 (c), <4 × 10−3 (d), <2 × 10−5 (e)). (f) Representative images of ROS (upper panels) and labile iron (lower panels) 8 h after different erastin treatments. Scale bar, 50 μm. All experiments were independently repeated three times with similar trends.