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. 2024 May 20;12:102770. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2024.102770

Table 1.

Description of state-of-the-art methods used for feature selection in the literature.

S.No. Methods Algorithm and Tools Datasets Results Authors
1 HFS (FMs) reliefF-SVM-RFE Caltech-256 Accuracy: 96.14 % Run time:1715s Zhou et al. [11]
2 HFS (FMs) Chi2 and Anova, RF and Extra-tree RF, LR, KNN, and SVM. HER2 image Recall: 93.9 %, Specificity: 86.6 %, Accuracy: 90.3 %, Precision: 87.5 %, F1-score 90.6 %. Aguilera et al. [12]
3 WMs PCA and SGbSA (GbSA-PCA) UCI (Iris and E. coli) Run time: 81.38 s and 653.83 s for respective datasets Hosseini et al. [49]
4 WMs wPCA based MRbTA and SVM Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer, wine,
Leukemia microarray
Accuracy: 92.27 %, 93.79 %, 90.29 % for respective datasets Kim et al. [50]
5 HFS IPCA, Gaussian and Super Gaussian Liver Toxicity, Prostate cancer, Yeast metabolomic Average of correctly identified non-zero loadings: 86.7 %, 87.7 %, 80.80 % Yao et al. [50]
6 HFS IPC, ICA, naıve Bayes and SVM Wisconsin Breast Cancer, Wine, Crabs Accuracy: 96.85 %, 98.90 %, 99.50 % for respective datasets Reza et al. [51]
7 HFS (FMs) ReliefF, Chi square, and Symmetrical techniques, GA, SVM Microstructural images: Annealing twin, Brass/bronze, Ductile cast iron, gray cast iron, Malleable cast iron, Nickel-based superalloy, White cast iron Overall Accuracy: 90.1 % Khan et al. [19]
8 EMs Tree-based genetic program (GP-FER) DISFA, DISFA+, CK+, MUG Average accuracy: 94.2 % Ghazouani et al. [21]
9 WMs HHBBO and SVM RADARSAT 2 (NLCD 2006) Overall accuracy: 96.01 %, Average accuracy: 93.37 % Rostami et al. [3]
10 WMs bPSO and bGWO, SVM, AlexNet, Vgg19, GoogleNet and ResNet. COVID-19, normal, pneumonia X-ray images Overall accuracy: 99.38 % Canayaz et al. [30]
11 WMs ACO, GA and TS, Fuzzy Rough set (ACTFRO) and GATFRO) SRBCT, DLBCL, Breast, Leukemia, Swarm behaviour Accuracy: 90.48 %, 97.41 %,83.33 %, 94.74 %, 86.68 % for respective datasets Meenachi et al. [31]
12 WMs GA and PSO with bagging, SVM and DT NASA Metrics Data (MDP) Accuracy: 84.4 %, 87.2 % respective methods Wahono et al. [32]
13 WMs GWO, Adaptive PSO and MLP, SVM, DT, KNN, NBC, RFC, LR. UCI Machine Learning Repository Accuracy: 96 % and 97 % respective methods Le et al. [25]
14 WMs Rough set and Scatter search, LR, DT and NN Australian dataset, UCI Repository Accuracy: 90.5 %, 83.4 % and 87.9 % Wang et al. [26]
15 HFS (FMs) Chi-Square, PCC, MI, NDS and GA IDS dataset Accuracy (99.48 %) Dey et al. [33]
16 WMs Modified DE, fuzzy approach and CNNs University of California, Irvine (UCI) Accuracy 83 % Vivekanandan et al. [28]
17 WMs Binary encoded SSA based on PCA-fastICA 11 datasets from UCI Overall accuracy: 94.73 % Shekhawat et al. [29]
18 WMs MAF and CNN, HGSO algorithm, RF, SVM ISIC 2017 and HAM10000 datasets Overall accuracy: 92.22 % and 99.34 % respectively Obayya et al. [39]
19 WMs MobileNetv1, MobileNetv2, NASNetMobile, linear SVC, SVM Real traffic scenes Accuracy:87.4 % Doğan et al. [14]
20 WMs Binary BCS based on PCA-fastICA 11 datasets from UCI Highest accuracy: 95.2 % Pandey et al. [17]