Promoting chromatin compaction reduces chromosome aberrations in per0. The overexpression of SU(VAR)3-9 (A) or HP1 (B) using the pan-circadian tim-GAL4 driver, drastically reduced the frequency of aberrations [abnormal metaphases/total metaphases) × 100] in per0. (A) tim-GAL4 > SU(VAR)3-9, (per0) vs. tim-GAL4/TSTL (per0), Fisher’s exact test, * p < 0.0129. Total number of metaphases scored, N = 388, 276. ZT = 1. (B) tim-GAL4 > HP1 (per0) vs. tim-GAL4/TSTL (per0), Fisher’s exact test, **** p < 0.0001. Total number of metaphases scored, n = 417, 362. ZT = 1. [Note: TSTL, Triplo-Sensitive & Triplo-Lethal is a chromosomal arrangement that may be used to maintain genetic stability in crosses].