a) Vinculin distribution in WT, α-TAT1 KO MEFs, and KO-rescue with mVenus-α-TAT1 or catalytic dead mVenus-α-TAT1(D157N) as indicated; b) Number of adhesions per cell (WT:20, KO: 17, rescue-WT: 16, rescue-D157N: 22 cells); c) western blot showing Vinculin and α-Tubulin expression in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs; d) Normalized Vinculin expression levels in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs by Western blots (3 independent experiments, error bar: standard deviation); e) VinTS FRET index in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs, f) Average VinTS FRET index in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs (WT:: 18, KO: 16 cells); g) Phalloidin and phospho-MRLC distribution in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs, red arrowheads indicate bundled actin; h) Phospho-MRLC levels in WT, α-TAT1 KO, rescue-WT and rescue-D157N MEFs (WT: 54, KO: 64, rescue-WT: 53 and rescue-D157N: 55 cells); i) mCherry-MRLC distribution and optical flow levels of mCherry-MRLC in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs; j) Mean mCherry-MRLC optical flow levels in WT and α-TAT1 KO MEFs (WT: 11, KO: 12 cells). Scale bar: 10 μm. ***: p<0.001