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[Preprint]. 2024 Dec 5:2024.12.03.626575. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.12.03.626575

Figure 3. During Ramps, Kinesin-3 Detaches More Readily Than Under Zero Load.

Figure 3.

Unloaded, ramp, and stall duration parameters were estimated using a Markov process model, coupled with Bayesian inference methods. Curves show the posterior probability distributions of the duration parameters for (A) kinesin-1, (B) kinesin-2 and (C) kinesin-3. Bars below each peak indicate the 95% credible regions for the ramp (green), unloaded (gray) and stall (blue) duration parameters. Notably, the estimated ramp durations are larger, the same, and smaller than the unloaded run durations for kinesin-1, -2, and -3, respectively. For the unloaded and stall durations, this estimation method produces almost identical values as the maximum likelihood estimates in Figure 2 (values provided in Table S1).