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[Preprint]. 2024 Dec 4:2024.12.03.626669. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.12.03.626669

Extended Data Figure 6: CellChat Analysis of B-CeIl/T-Cell Signaling.

Extended Data Figure 6:

A) Heatmap of communication probabilities in MHC-I signaling pathways between cell clusters.

B) Significant communication pathways originating from cluster B cell 1 representative of B outgoing B cell signaling.

C) Relative contribution of each ligand-receptor pair to MHC-I signaling strength between B cell clusters and Activated CD8+ T cells.

D) Outgoing and incoming signaling strength per cell cluster for all signaling pathways (left) and MHC-I signaling pathways (right) calculated using CellchatDB.

E) Pearson correlation between gene expression in CD8+ T cells vs. the BCR clonotype count in the respective tissue sample. Each point is the correlation of a single gene, and the plot it ordered from most positive correlation to most negative correlation.

F) GO-Terms enriched in genes significantly correlated with BCR clonotype count in CD8+ T cells (defined as adjusted p-value <0.05).