Structure and phylogenetic relationship of OsPik-2-like. (a) Schematic structure of OsPik-2-like. (b) Sequence alignment of OsPik-2-like and its homologs. Species abbreviations are included before the protein names: Bd, Brachypodium distachyon; Lr, Lolium rigidum; Ob, Oryza brachyantha; Og, Oryza glaberrima; Os, Oryza sative; Pa, Phragmites australis; Ph, Panicum hallii; Pv, Panicum virgatum; and Zm, Zea mays. Plant species and accession numbers from the NCBI database are as follows: BdRPM1, XP_003576018.1; LrPik-2-like, XP_047085044.1; ObPIK6-NP-like, XP_040383595.1; ObPik-2-like, XP_006660848.1; OgPik-2-like, XP_052139461.1; OsPik-2, XP_015619167.2; OsPik-2-like, XP_015612241.1; PaPIK6-NP-like, XP_062198511.1; PaRPM1-like, XP_062193254.1; PhRPM1-like, XP_025803740.1; PvPIK6-NP-like, XP_039795950.1; ZmPIK6-NP, XP_008652943.2. The blue dot indicates OsPik-2-like. The scale bar represents 0.05 amino acid substitutions per site in the primary structure.