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. 2024 Nov 28;16(23):4126. doi: 10.3390/nu16234126

Table 3.

Rotated component matrix.

Variables Component
1 2 3 4
Cooking activities enhance home livelihood/gorgeousness (TF) 0.818
Find enjoyment (TF) 0.815
Ask for traditional food on special occasions (TF) 0.811
Improves concentration and reduce stress (TF) 0.806
Creates a space for conversation (FT) 0.798
Creates bonds (strengthen relationships by encouraging a sense of trust, belongingness, and closeness) (FT) 0.781
Like family recipes (TF) 0.753
Like family food ingredients (TF) 0.750
Prefer homemade food (TF) 0.739
Prefer traditional foods (TF) 0.739
Like home food flavors (TF) 0.717
Tastes good (FC) 0.470
Through dinning and cooking, I feel connected with my family. (FT) 0.811
Cooking and dinning traditions are an important part of my family. (FT) 0.798
Dining together is a way to bring people together. (FT) 0.766
Cooking and dining traditions are an important part of my culture. (TF) 0.722
I feel satisfied when I eat at home. (FT) 0.720
Dinning and cooking improve the quality of relationships. (FT) 0.675
Enhances well-being (FT) 0.622
Dining together is not a waste of time. (TF) 0.862
I do not feel stressed when I eat at home. (TF) 0.855
Cooking and dining affected my cultural identity development. (FT) 0.879
Cooking and dining together affected my family relationships. (FT) 0.873

Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalization. Rotation converged in 6 iterations. Note: Each item is followed by an abbreviation indicating the scale: TF—traditional food; FC—food choices; FT—family ties.