Chlorophyll fluorescence and stomatal resistance in control and cys1 transgenic plants during SO2 fumigation. A, Upper, effective quantum yields (Fm' − Fs/Fm') in 3-week-old plants untreated or exposed to 1 μL L−1 SO2 (SO2) for 3 or 8 h in the light. A, Lower, stomatal resistance (Stomatal Resist; S cm−1), measured in the same plants after 3 or 8 h of 1 μL L−1 SO2. B, Quantum yields (Fm' − Fs/Fm') of 7-week-old plants untreated or exposed to 1 or 2 μL L−1 SO2 for 6 h in the light. Values for each experiment are means (with se bars) of five control and seven or eight transgenic plants, each with two independent measurements.