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. 2024 Nov 13;104(1):104482. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2024.104482

Table 5.

Regression discontinuity results for the price sub-search dataset.

Variable PriceMentions
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Treatment 30,508.050*** 23,754.496*** 21,442.305*** -65.583*** -107.530*** -105.557***
(2,361.789) (6,691.284) (6,591.281) (6.932) (19.139) (19.444)
Running 42.444*** 21.646 17.559 -0.024 0.092** 0.095**
(9.975) (13.675) (14.594) (0.029) (0.039) (0.043)
Treat*Run -1,021.582*** -718.486*** -654.481*** 2.351*** 2.697*** 2.645***
(105.594) (185.046) (186.979) (0.310) (0.529) (0.552)
Price 15.847** 2.211 -0.089*** -0.077***
(7.246) (8.345) (0.021) (0.025)
Treat*Price 12.306 19.824 0.135*** 0.128**
(16.868) (16.743) (0.048) (0.049)
(ln) Avian flu 280.834** -0.239
(139.127) (0.410)
Easter 6,219.813*** -5.645
(1,928.711) (5.690)
Constant 12,133.596*** 7,866.739*** 8,419.934*** 31.089*** 54.954*** 54.419***
(1,000.644) (2,185.915) (2,170.192) (2.937) (6.252) (6.402)
Observations 209 209 209 209 209 209
R-squared 0.600 0.615 0.641 0.361 0.417 0.421

NOTE: *, **, and *** represent statistically significant coefficients at the p = 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 levels, respectively.