a-c, Core-variable model reliably predicts the empirical synaptic and gap junction contact reproducibility ( and ) on and . To predict synaptic/gap junctional contact counts on contacts, (or ) contact counts on are scaled by the ratio of all on count : all on count (Methods). E.g. in a, the model predicts a count on contacts as 206×285/1474 = 40 where 206 is the empirical count on contacts, 285 is the total empirical synaptic contact count, , on and 1474 is the total empirical count of synaptic contacts on . The model prediction is consistent with the empirical on count (43). Error bars: , where is the empirical or predicted count (see Source Data for precise values). d, Chemical synapses and e, gap junctions also consist of a core and variable circuit. Surrogate model data for and , generated as in Fig. 2b. Across each dataset, ~62% of synaptic contacts and ~59% of gap junction contacts consist of target contacts (given by , Methods). f,g, Core synaptic contacts are typically larger than variable ones in both Cook et al. (2019)3 and White et al. (1986)5. Distribution of f, and g, contact counts by EM sizes (the total number of EM sections in which a contact was observed)3,7. To check for biases in contact size due to possible differences in synaptic/gap junction scoring criteria, we compare the distributions of EM sizes for contacts identified by White et al. (1986)5 (orange) and those identified by Cook et al. (blue). Because White et al. (1986)5 does not provide EM sizes, we used the EM sizes from Cook et al. (2019)3 for all contacts. Although many additional synapses identified by Cook et al. (2019)3 occur only in 1 EM section, we find no systematic bias towards smaller synaptic contacts by Cook et al. (2019)3. h,i, Bidirectional comparison of Cook et al. (2019)3 and Witvliet et al. (2020)20 synaptic contact reproducibility. h, Fraction of Cook et al. (2019)3 synaptic contacts scored by Witvliet et al. (2020)20. i, Fraction of Witvliet et al. (2020)20 synaptic contacts scored by Cook et al. (2019)3. h,i, Fractions of the total empirical count of synaptic contacts .