Environmental variable | Code | Definition |
Climate | ||
Fall precipitation (mm) | Fall.PPT | Average precipitation received from Sept to Oct |
Winter precipitation (mm) | WP | Average precipitation received from Nov to April |
Precipitation seasonality (%) | PCV | Coefficient of variation in monthly precipitation totals |
Winter precipitation ratio (%) | WPratio | Ratio of late (Feb–Apr)/total (Nov–April) winter precipitation |
Summer maximum temperature (°C) | SMT | Maximum temperature of warmest month |
Winter minimum temperature (°C) | WMT | Minimum temperature of coldest month |
Diurnal temperature range (°C) | DTrange | Mean of the monthly temperature ranges (monthly maximum minus monthly minimum) |
Satellite metrics | ||
NDVI amplitude | AMP | Maximum increase in canopy photosynthetic activity above the baseline averaged for the period 2003–2017 |
Bulk density (cg/cm3) | BD | Bulk density of the fine earth fraction |
Sand (g/kg) | Sand | Proportion of sand particles (> 0.05 mm) in the fine earth fraction (0–5 cm depth) |
Topography | ||
Heat load index | HLI | Aspect/slope transformation index (McCune and Keon 2002) representing the range in heat load from coolest (northeast slope) to warmest (southwest slope). |
Topographic position index | TPI | Steady‐state wetness index expressed as a function of slope and upstream contributing area |
Note: Variables were derived at 1 km2 resolution. Climate variables are averages for the reference period 1980–2010.