FIG. 4.
Growth of M. avium in murine BMM (open circles) and in cells coinfected with C. burnetii (closed circles). BMM were infected with M. avium and then coinfected with C. burnetii on day 4 (designated in the graph as time zero). Growth of M. avium was evaluated by number of CFU (A) and by direct counting of AFB by light microscopy (B). Results are expressed as mean percentages of baseline values for three independent experiments. Error bars indicate standard deviations. Baseline values (measured at time zero) were (55 ± 11) × 104 and (56 ± 6) × 104 CFU per cell and 8.2 and 7.4 AFB per cell for M. avium alone and M. avium with C. burnetii, respectively. By an independent t test, P was >0.05 at all time points.