Table 1.
A Sudden onset of fully reversible neurological or retinal symptoms (typically hemiparesis, hemihypesthesia, aphasia, neglect, amaurosis fugax, hemianopsia, or hemiataxia) |
B Duration < 24 h |
C At least two of the following |
C1 At least 1 Symptom is maximal in < 1 min (no gradual spread) |
C2 2 or more symptoms occur simultaneously |
C3 Symptoms in the form of deficits (no irritative symptoms such as photopsias, pins and needles, etc.) |
C4 No headache accompanies or follows the neurological symptoms within 1 h |
C* At least two of the following |
C1* All symptoms are maximal in < 1 min (no gradual spread) |
C2* All symptoms occur simultaneously |
C3* All symptoms are deficits (no irritative symptoms such as photopsias, pins and needles, etc.) |
C4* No headache accompanies or follows the neurological symptoms within 1 h |
D None of the following isolated symptoms (can occur together with more typical symptoms): shaking spells, diplopia, dizziness, vertigo, syncope, decreased level of consciousness, confusion, hyperventilation associated paresthesias, unexplained falls or amnesia |
E No evidence of acute infarction in the relevant area on neuroimaging |
The C criterion is different between the original and the modified* version