Figure 2.
Mean risk of dengue introduction into African countries in 2019 from 18 African countries with dengue circulation
The risk of dengue introduction into African countries is represented by circles on the African continent coloured by the corresponding region of the originating African country. The size of the circles represents the size of the risk averaged over the 12 months for each airport in Africa. The borders for African countries considered as originating locations in the study are outlined in black. The fill colour of the African continent represents the index of transmission suitability multiplied by population density to highlight the hotspots of high transmission at the destination. AGO=Angola. BDI=Burundi. BEN=Benin. BFA=Burkina Faso. BWA=Botswana. CAF=Central African Republic. CIV=Côte d’Ivoire. CMR=Cameroon. COD=Democratic Republic of the Congo. COG=Republic of the Congo. COM=Comoros. CPV=Cabo Verde. DJI=Djibouti. DZA=Algeria. EGY=Egypt. ERI=Eritrea. ETH=Ethiopia. GAB=Gabon. GHA=Ghana. GIN=Guinea. GMB=The Gambia. GNQ=Equatorial Guinea. KEN=Kenya. LBR=Liberia. LBY=Libya. LSO=Lesotho. MAR=Morocco. MDG=Madagascar. MLI=Mali. MOZ=Mozambique. MRT=Mauritania. MUS=Mauritius. MWI=Malawi. NAM=Namibia. NER=Niger. NGA=Nigeria. RWA=Rwanda. SDN=Sudan. SEN=Senegal. SLE=Sierra Leone. SOM=Somalia. SSD=South Sudan. SYC=Seychelles. TCD=Chad. TGO=Togo. TUN=Tunisia. TZA=Tanzania. UGA=Uganda. ZAF=South Africa. ZMB=Zambia. ZWE=Zimbabwe.