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. 2024 Dec 12;64(6):2400790. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00790-2024


Genetic and clinical findings in C1d-defective PCD individuals

Individual Genetics Clinical data PICADAR
Allele 1 Allele 2 Cons. Gender AAD (years) Situs nNO (nL·min−1) HSVMA (native) HSVMA (after ALI) TEM CRD Bx/MP FT gest. =2 NCS =2 NICU =2 Situs abn. =4 CHD =2 CR =1 CEHS =1 Total
 OP-64 II2 c.19C>T, p.Gln7Ter c.7286-2A>G, p.Glu2429Gly_Met2430insfsTer9 No M 23 Solitus 235.6 Normal Normal Normal Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes 4
 OI-102 II1 c.4688C>A, p.Ser1563Ter c.4688C>A, p.Ser1563Ter Yes M 22 Solitus NA NA NA NA Yes Yes NA NA NA no NA NA NA NA
 OP-1245 II1 c.3953C>A, p.Ser1318Ter c.6264+5_6264+8del, p.Gly2028_Ile2088del No F 25 Solitus 182.3 Normal Normal Normal Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No 3
 OP-1822 II1 c.2283G>T, p.Lys761Asn_Arg762insTer7 c.5671C>T, p.Arg1891Ter No M 16 Solitus 176.4 Normal Normal Normal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 6
 OP-4023 II1 c.1852A>T, p.Lys618Ter c.7220-1delG, p.? No F 2 Solitus NA Normal NA NA Yes NA Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No 7
 OP-3882 II1 c.907del, p.Gln303LysfsTer65 c.4380_4381dup, p.Phe1461SerfsTer12 No M 48 Solitus NA NA Normal Normal Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No 2
 OP-3882 II2 c.907del, p.Gln303LysfsTer65 c.4380_4381dup, p.Phe1461SerfsTer12 No F 57 Solitus 251.5 Normal Normal Normal Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No 2
 OP-4027 II1 c.1706dup, p.Gly570TrpfsTer10 c.4380_4381dup, p.Phe1461SerfsTer12 No M 14 Solitus 504.6 Normal NA NA Yes NA Yes No No No No Yes No 3
 OP-2697 I2 c.1641dup, p.Asn548GlnfsTer6 c.1641dup, p.Asn548GlnfsTer6 Yes F 39 Solitus 28.9 Normal NA Normal Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes 4

Genetic and clinical data of PCD individuals with pathogenic variants in CFAP46, CFAP54, CFAP74 and CFAP221. The parameters of PICADAR are applied to the identified C1d-defective PCD individuals. The total scores result from the addition of the respective points and correspond to the following probabilities of having PCD: 2=0.8%; 3=1.9%; 4=4.7%; 6=23.9%; 7=44.1%. The maximum score is 14 [8]. PCD: primary ciliary dyskinesia; Cons.: consanguinity; AAD: age at diagnosis; nNO: nasal nitric oxide production rate; HSVMA: high-speed videomicroscopy analysis; ALI: air–liquid interface; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; CRD: chronic respiratory disease; Bx/MP: bronchiectasis/mucus plugging; FT gest.: full-term gestation; NCS: neonatal chest symptoms; NICU: neonatal intensive care admittance; Situs abn.: situs abnormalities; CHD: congenital heart defect; CR: chronic rhinitis; CEHS: chronic ear and hearing symptoms; M: male; NA: not available; F: female.

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