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. 2024 Nov 29;14(12):8942–8965. doi: 10.21037/qims-24-1315

Table 11. Comparison of the results of related method and proposed method for classifying multiple types of lung nodules.

Nodule’s types Chen et al. (52) Ni et al. (4) Ours (M2)
Sphericity 0.8600 0.7121 0.7000 0.6669 0.6662
Lobulation 0.8000 0.9566 0.5000 0.6897 0.6205
Spiculation 0.6400 0.9431 0.5000 0.6869 0.6261
Texture 0.1800 0.7888 0.4800 0.8762 0.2473
Margin 0.9200 0.8111 0.7400 0.7826 0.4346
Calcification 0.8700 0.9221 0.3100 0.9642 0.0714
Malignancy 0.8700 0.8661 0.5900 0.8168 0.3662

The ADE is a metric that quantifies the disparity between the model’s predicted value and the actual value. A smaller ADE indicates the model’s superior predictive performance. In the classification of lobulation, spiculation, texture, and margin of nodules, this study performed a more detailed binary classification of nodules, while other studies were more general. To facilitate an approximate comparison, in this table, we averaged the metric results of the sub-tasks for each of these four classification tasks. ACC, accuracy; ADE, absolute distance error.