1. |
How many times should you brush your teeth in a day? |
a. Do not brush the teeth |
b. One time per day |
c. Two times per day |
d. Once or two times a week |
2. |
What type of bristles in the toothbrush should you use? |
a. Toothbrush with any type of tooth bristles (I never noticed) |
b. Toothbrush with soft bristles |
c. Toothbrush with medium-hard bristles |
d. Toothbrush with hard bristles |
3. |
What type of toothpaste should you use to prevent tooth decay? |
a. Fluoride tooth paste |
b. Desensitizing toothpaste |
c. Anti-plaque toothpaste |
d. Any type of toothpaste |
4. |
What direction should you use the toothbrush while brushing your teeth with a toothbrush? |
a. Keep the toothbrush bristles parallel to the tooth surfaces |
b. Keep the toothbrush bristles perpendicular to the tooth surfaces |
c. Keep the toothbrush bristles at 45 degrees to the tooth surface |
d. Brush teeth in all possible directions |
5. |
How often do should you replace your toothbrush? |
a. After 3 month |
b. After 6 months |
c. After 1 year |
d. I don't know |
6. |
How many times should you use interdental brush? |
a. Once per day |
b. Two times per day |
c. Once per week |
d. I don't know (I have not heard about this type of toothbrush) |
7. |
How many times should you floss your teeth with dental floss? |
a. Once per day |
b. Two times per day |
c. Once per week |
d. Once per month |
8. |
What type of mouthwash should you use to reduce the bacteria and gingivitis? |
a. Cosmetic mouthwash |
b. Fluoride mouthwash |
c. Therapeutic mouthwash |
d. Any type of mouthwash |
9. |
How often should you visit your dentist for a regular general dental check-up and oral prophylaxis? |
a. Once in 3 months |
b. Once in 6 months |
c. Once in a year |
d. Don't visit any dentist unless you have any dental problem |
10. |
What type of diet will keep your gums and teeth healthy? |
a. Sugary foods with every meal such as cake, pastry, and ice creams |
b. Soft drinks with every meal such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi |
c. Fruit juices after every meal |
d. Fibrous fruits after every meal such as apples, carrots, and salad |
11. |
What is the reason for teeth sensitivity after a routine scaling procedure is conducted by a dentist? |
a. Dentist removes the part of the tooth during the scaling procedure |
b. Dentist removes the gum from the tooth surface during the scaling procedure |
c. The tooth becomes weak and breaks by itself after the scaling procedure |
d. Unwanted deposits are removed from root surfaces, temporarily leaving teeth sensitive to temperature changes |
12. |
After using a mouthwash, how much time should you wait before drinking water or eating food? |
a. 5 min |
b. Half an hour |
c. 2 h |
d. I don't know |
13. |
While using a mouthwash, how long should you swish the mouthwash around your teeth? |
a. Take it inside the mouth and spit immediately to avoid swallowing |
b. 30–60 s |
c. 5 min |
d. I don't know |
14. |
What type of toothbrush will most frequently damage the gums and cause gum diseases? |
a. Toothbrush with soft bristles |
b. Toothbrush with medium bristles |
c. Toothbrush with hard bristles |
d. Electronic toothbrush |