Attend introductory didactic lectures on telehealth |
Attend didactic lectures on telehealth topics |
Review key literature regarding telehealth and related topics |
Review telehealth educational materials/protocols provided by the residency program |
Continue to review key telehealth literature |
Participate in telehealth morbidity and mortality conferences |
Participate in direct patient care of the telehealth patient |
Participate in direct patient care of the telehealth patient |
Participate in quality assurance meetings of telehealth |
Review telehealth cases with faculty |
Follow up on individual telehealth cases |
Participate in chart reviews of telehealth patients |
Follow‐up on individual telehealth cases |
Engage in one‐on‐one meetings and case reviews with telehealth faculty |
Manage telehealth visits with limited faculty oversight |
Participate in morbidity and mortality reviews of telehealth cases |
Further learn and develop the skills needed to successfully manage a telehealth service |
Optional: Complete a telehealth‐related research topic, scholarly project, or presentation |
Review telehealth literature (including presenting at a Journal Club) |
Participate in peer review audits, return visit audits, and telehealth complaint reviews |
Optional: Attend and participate in telehealth section meetings at regional and national specialty meetings |
Explore telehealth interest groups/section websites |
Increase participation and exposure to telehealth through websites, and interest groups at regional/national meetings |
Optional: Begin or continue telehealth‐related research topic, scholarly project, or presentation |