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. 2024 Jun 27;101(6):1069–1086. doi: 10.1007/s11524-024-00877-5

Table 5.

Highlighted contributions of SALURBAL to policy development and implementation processes

Policy or initiative Location/scale/SALURBAL partner Description
Bill 5504 (Ley de Promoción de Alimentación Saludable) SALURBAL team; Guatemala INCAP Guatemala consultation and advocacy for Bill 5504 (Ley de Promoción de Alimentación Saludable, law for the promotion of healthy eating)
COVID-19 pandemic response SALURBAL team; Mexico City, Mexico Collaboration with Mexico City government to inform efforts to reduce contagion on mass transportation systems during the pandemic
Food label law Food label policy evaluation team; Lima, Peru Presentation of Lima food labels evaluation results to Peruvian Ministry of Education contributed to their understanding of the success and impacts of the implementation of this law
Urban Bogotá 2022-2035 Plan TrUST policy evaluation team; Bogotá, Colombia Presentation of TransMiCable evaluation results to Planning and Mobility public officials, informing the development of similar interventions, such as the next cable car to be implemented in the evaluation’s control group area and will be inaugurated in 2025. This was integrated into the Urban Bogotá 2022–2035 plan
Housing renovation (Equipo de Renovación Urbana of the Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo (MINVU) and SEREMI V Región. RUCAS policy evaluation team; Viña del Mar and Santiago, Chile Sharing of evaluation results with policy implementers has led to the introduction of improvements to the design of the dwelling intervention in one of the study sites. Study results have been requested by implementers as an input for their own design processes. Housing renovation implementers also contributed with ideas for additional evaluation analyses, the results of which served to highlight and/or confirm the heterogeneity in the distribution of habitability problems. Community leaders have used RUCAS results to back their demands concerning dwelling-related health problems
Co-development of the Premio Ciudad in Peru Lima Cómo Vamos, Lima, Peru SALURBAL participation in development of prize and selection of winners. The annual prize recognizes Peruvian municipalities implementing projects, best practices, and demonstrating leadership that contributes to urban health and wellbeing. Prizes are awarded to municipal governments, civil society, and citizen groups or movements