Attenuation of neurite outgrowth also is seen in Tm3 stably transfected B35 neuroepithelial cells. B35 cells were cultured in the absence (a, c, and f) and 48 h presence of dibutyryl cAMP (b, d, e, g, and h). Control B35 cells immunofluorescence stained with TM311 antibody (a) and β-actin (b), Tm3 B35 cells immunofluorescence stained with TM311 (c and e) and β-actin (d), and Tm5NM1 B35 cells immunofluorescence stained with LC1 (f and h) and β-actin (g). Elevated levels of Tm3 results in a significant decrease in the length of neurites after dibutyryl cAMP stimulation. Inset in g shows the lamellipodia like structure. Bar, 10 μm in f corresponds to a, c, e, f, and h. Bar, 10 μm in g corresponds to b, d, and g.