A) Pathologic assessment of H&E-stained sections of substantia nigra in different studied groups: control, DSMO, and gonadal extract groups show a compact cellular substania nigra in low power, high power shows viable neurons with large, rounded nuclei with open chromatin and a nucleolus (arrows). The Rotenone group shows less cellular loose substantia nigra, and high power shows degenerated neurons with dark stained nuclei (Dashed arrows) with few viable ones (arrows). The gonadal extract treated rotenone group shows restoration of neurons in SN, high power shows viable neurons (arrows), and fewer degenerated ones (dashed arrows). (H&E, low power x200, scale bar = 100 microns, high power x400, scale bar = 50 microns). B) Count of neurons in substantia nigra. C) Pathologic assessment of tyrosine hydroxylase-stained sections of substantia nigra in different studied groups highlighting positive neurons in each group. Many dopaminergic neurons are seen in deep brown backgrounds in control, DSMO, and gonadal extract groups. The Rotenone group shows a markedly diminished number of positive staining neurons. The gonadal extract-treated rotenone group shows increased expression (IHC, x200, scale bar 100 microns, inset x100). D) Count of TH-positive neurons in substantia nigra. E) Pathologic assessment of α- synuclein stained sections of substantia nigra in different studied groups highlighting positive neurons in each group. Negative staining of neurons is seen in control, DSMO, and gonadal extract groups. The Rotenone group shows multiple positive α—synuclein neurons (arrows) and the gonadal extract-treated rotenone group shows decreased expression. (IHC, x400, scale bar 50 microns). F) Count of α-synuclein positive in substantia nigra. All the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey Pairwise Comparisons. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 3 rats for each group. Different superscripts on the columns are significantly different at p≤0.05.