Relationship between R, X and Z and height and TLC stratified by sex. a) Rexp, Rinsp, Rtot
versus height (cm) by sex, b) Rexp, Rinsp, Rtot
versus TLC (L) by sex, c) Xexp, Xinsp, Xtot
versus height (cm) by sex, d) Xexp, Xinsp, Xtot
versus TLC (L) by sex, e) Ztot
versus height (cm) by sex, and f) Ztot
versus TLC (L) by sex. R: respiratory resistance; X: respiratory reactance; Rrs: respiratory resistance; Xrs: respiratory reactance; Rexp: expiratory resistance; Rinsp: inspiratory resistance; Rtot: total resistance; Xexp: expiratory reactance; Xinsp: inspiratory reactance; Xtot: total reactance; TLC: total lung capacity; Ztot: total impedance.