Fig. 4. Correlations of initial soil and climatic properties with biofunctional responses to perturbation.
a, Rank correlations between initial properties and the resistance (left) and resilience (right) of community function following disturbance. Resistance and resilience are quantified as the negative Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of metagenome-derived functional (protein-level) matrices between control and treatment directly following either the disturbance (S1) or 1 month of recovery (S4), respectively. The order of initial properties on the y axis is determined by complete-linkage clustering according to their correlations with resistance–resilience across perturbations. b, Relationship of soil functional measurements (enzyme activities, microbial substrate use, gas fluxes and soil C and N concentrations) and the relative abundance of finest-scale functional categories (proteins) from the metagenomes. Distances among soil samples were calculated for both the relative abundances of all functional categories in the metagenomes and each of the four classes of functional soil measurements. For each treatment and time point, coloured tiles show the rank correlation between these two distance matrices, with asterisks indicating the significance (two-tailed Mantel test, nperm = 999; ***P ≤ 0.001, **P ≤ 0.01, *P ≤ 0.05, ·P ≤ 0.1, uncorrected for multiple testing). Note the different colour scales in a and b. Ammonium, plant available ammonium concentration; C:N ratio, soil carbon:nitrogen ratio; DOC, dissolved organic carbon concentration; DON, dissolved organic nitrogen concentration; MAP, mean annual precipitation; MAT, mean annual temperature; Nitrate, plant available nitrate concentration; Plength, difference between Pmax and Pmin; Pmax, annual precipitation maximum; Pmin, annual precipitation minimum; Tlength, difference between Tmax and Tmin; Tmax, maximum annual temperature; Tmin, minimum annual temperature; Total C, total soil carbon content; Total dissolved N, total dissolved nitrogen concentration; Total N, total soil nitrogen content; WHC, soil moisture content expressed as percentage of moisture content at 100% water-holding capacity; WHC100, soil moisture content at 100% WHC.