Extended Data Fig. 10. Sequence diversity of the amy1_1 gene.
(a) Median-joining haplotype network of amy1_1 copies in 76 pangenome assemblies. Nodes represent different ORFs and are coloured according to accession origin. The node size is proportional to the number of gene IDs a given node represents (Supplementary Table 14). Nodes containing cultivars Barke, RGT Planet and Morex amy1_1 ORFs are highlighted and the corresponding amino acid variation relative to Morex reference is shown in red. (b) Non-synonymous sequence exchanges in 12 non-redundant amy1_1 ORFs in the malting barleys Morex, Barke and RGT Planet. The positions of sequence variants and respective amino acid variations are marked by black lines. Colouring corresponds to (Fig. 3a). ORF numbers refer to Supplementary Table 14.